"Money can't buy happiness but it can put you on a sailboat; and that's a really good start."

Private Lesson (2 hours):
1 person private lesson $250 / 2 hours
2 person private lesson $350 / 2 hours
3 & 4 person no extra charge ($350 / 2 hours)
2 hour minimum: $125/$175 per hour after two hours
Lessons are always private which can be one-on-one, you and a significant other, or the entire family. This is your time and can be catered to whatever skills you want to work on. If you are brand new to sailing I will create a fun and educational agenda.
Under age 13 – Adult chaperone required (no charge)
ages 13-17 - Adult may accompany minor (no charge)
Competent Crew (8-12 hours):
​We will start with a two hour morning lesson but can do three hour lessons later in the course. Designed for people who already have some knowledge about sailing (sailed at least once), and want to have a better understanding of what is happening when they are out. During this lesson set you will:
* Learn the correct terminology for parts of a boat
* Complete several tacks and jibes
* Learn to steer the boat to point at any landmark
* Know how to tie: Square Knot, Bowline, and Figure-8
At the conclusion you will be able to offer a skipper short breaks from the helm and confidently handle the lines or helm during maneuvers such as tacks, jibes, and docking.
Skipper (16+ hours):
​We will start with a two hour morning lesson but can do three hour lessons later in the course. Designed for people who intend to skipper a small boat with family and friends. During this lesson set you will:
rig and derig the boat
perfect your tacks and jibes
learn launching from/returning to docks and moorings procedures
learn Crew-Overboard maneuvers
learn the “right of way” hierarchy with respect to other watercraft
Know how to tie: Square Knot, Bowline, Figure-8, Clove Hitch, Cleat Hitch
At the conclusion you will be able to rent a small sailboat, instruct your crew members how to help during tack and jibes, and confidently sail the boat back to the dock or mooring.
Opening June 1st 2025